2010年10月27日 星期三

Lawrence Choi 實用英語話你知 Exemplary (典範)

Lawrence Choi 實用英語話你知 Exemplary (典範)
較早時,教育學院校長張炳良教授在柏立基教育學院五十周年紀念的典禮上說,我們欣然看到眾多校友的專業教學典範及對教育的熱誠獲社會認同,並屢次獲頒『行政長官卓越教學獎』。We are proud to witness many of our alumni being recognised in the Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence for their exemplary teaching and dedication to education。英國首相日前訪問美國,向商界介紹營商和投資的機會。他乘坐商務客位,一位教授說他只是想顯示,在生活的各方面,他的行為都堪作模範,He just wants to show that, in every aspect of his life, his behaviour is exemplary。
Exemplary是「典範、堪作模範」的意思。它是形容詞,其他例子:She has been an exemplary mother是「她一直是個模範母親」。His teaching performance is exemplary是「他的教學表現堪作模範」。(筆者為香港教育學院高級講師,culchoi@yahoo.com.hk)
Lawrence Choi

1 則留言:

  1. It's really practical. haha
    Mr.yeung and Mr. kong they were became exemplary teacher.
    it's ok?
    SEE u~
