2011年6月8日 星期三

學生哥心聲 - 窮飛龍 - 溫書奴 MV(周杰倫 - 青花瓷 粵語)

溫書奴 (調寄:周杰倫 - 青花瓷)

改編作詞: 窮飛龍

中國歷史 與地理 也令我頭暈
生化物理 怕念記 要溫書腳震
臨陣通頂 怎記得 考試亂了陣
驚pastpay 生埃貼士 不夠真

英語會話 拼字母 捲脷說如麻
頭痕會計 計又計 腦袋都爆炸

* 溫書雙眼通紅 誰又可傾訴
三更溫到天明 期望得分數(天黑溫到天明 期望高分數)
題目望我估中 別再末路窮途
note屎超厚不明 難背怎洗腦
雞精飲了都暈 徬徨多失措

通頂盡看 也未夠 也像似自焚
驚怕父母 責罵我 太低分聽訓
成地書本 擠滿檯 只怕又痛狠
驚貼一一都不出 苦了心

只怪在世 有用腦 也像似舊雲
勤力地溫 也未懂 眼仔都眼瞓
Repeat *

可否一剎英明 藏渾身招數
偏偏不算聰明 從未可估到
題目又再估錯做錯 誤入歧途
翻開這試卷前 仍未打輸數
翻開考試卷時 淪落怎相告

2011年6月6日 星期一

消防處入錯貨 再掟千萬補鑊買新車



大澳端午龍舟遊涌、長洲太平清醮等,四個本地節慶活動 ,早前獲列入第三批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄,令人關注香港有沒有更多值得永久承傳的文化傳統,有學者爭取 將客家話同圍頭話,列入國家級非物質文化遺產,希望保育這類本土方言。

2011年6月2日 星期四

How irksome and disgusting!!!

Panic in your eyes?
Discomfort swells?
Do you feel great discomfort from catching a glimpse of this disgusting woman?
Should such unnecessary discomfort be avoided?
It should justify creating a publicity campaign to create an awareness of proper dress code.

露底襪褲 「潮女」街頭招搖

[2011-05-31] Share




Act on what you have already learned

"The largest question facing the human race is not when will you learn, but when will you act on what you've already learned."
Neal Donald Walsch

"I know, I know." "Yeah, I've heard that before." "I can do that too!" "No problem." "Y'know?"

We're all learning everyday, always learning something new. Well, at least that's the attitude I *think* we should have. Nobody knows it all, and I think when it all comes down to it, we're all kids inside. Even the professors who are endowing us with the knowledge of their experience. The world is so vast, and it is impossible to think that we have even begun to fathom the truth of the intricacies of existence; the sophistication of Mother Nature. However, everyone loves to know. And everyone loves to be right.

So the question is, have we learned that there is always more to learn, and that we can't possibly understand the things that will equip us to survive in this world, or even to be good human beings, without guidance, and without being open and vulnerable? I think that is an important lesson we must all learn.

As for the things that we have reflected on for ourselves, whatever they are. We all know for ourselves. Sometimes we fall into old habits and routines and never really take action on what we've realized. Maybe we need to find the time to be decisive. Whenever that will be. How about now?

And as for the more pressing issues, like shifting to green technology, ending war, quitting the petty bickering, the fighting, the hatred, the intolerance, judgement, discrimination, and general insanity that our current society accepts as the status quo and norm, ... I think for the most part, our new generations have evolved towards becoming more open, liberal, accepting, and peace-loving. Well, okay, we can't just isolate the more progressive people to belonging in the younger generations, as liberals exist in every pocket of our humanity, in any race, gender, colour, ethnicity, you name it. But let's get back to the point... when are we going to take action? And put what we know to be necessary for the health and preservation of life on earth into practice in implementation?

Apologies to anybody who may have been offended by this post.